My necklace broke and I lost my pure gold ratprincess pendent today.
Now I feel depreciated.
And, man, that ratprincess has been with me for over a decade if not two.
At the same time, I think I dropped my pendents when I went to the washroom in a clothing store while waiting.
This lady when came out from the toilet was staring at me in a strange way... it was not when I got into the toilet did I realised that the neclace was broken...
When I came right back out, one pendent was on the floor and the gold one was no place to be found.
Someone I had the feeling that it was that lady who knew it was me who lost it and took it anyway. If it were true, that wouldn't be too nice and wouldn't be good karma either.
Since it was pure gold, it might worth a bit more than a few dimes...
Just in case....
That round and gold pendent with a rat on it has gone through a whole lot of different times with me... Shall anyone find it and decide to keep it... you might wanna do some energy work on it.... because... God knows what has gone alone with it.... 8-O oops...
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8 years ago
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