What a classic... 我很醜可是我很溫柔 or I am ugly but I am gentle by the, to be honest, sort of obeying-traffic-rule looking singer... 趙傳
Calculating the distance between dream and reality.... so the song goes...
I especially love it when he goes... "I am ugly but I am gentle..."
It is as if you could replace the word ugly with whatever adjective that could be used to define you... the very-so-often-beaten-down-left-and-right modern heros defined by the character played by Bruce Willis in "Die hard" and alike.... 8-O lol
And, yes, maybe you are like me who is like da little bird that can't seem to be able to fly high... However, as long as you try... something you do will show you the hero within you...
Simply as that... we all have our trade and we all have our voices... like the trumpet of da swan...
And, yes, grandious or not, ain't no nothing wrong to, I guess, at times, acknowledge da little modern hero within you.... (under the assumption that no one is perfect and nobody's life is perfect unless yours is... 8-O lol 8-X)
每一個晚上 在夢的曠野 我晨驕傲的巨人 每一個早晨 在浴室鏡子前
卻發現自己活在剃刀邊緣在鋼筋水泥的叢林裡 在呼來喚去的生涯裡
計算著夢想和現實之間的差距 我很醜可是我很溫柔 外表冷漠 內心狂熱
那就是我 我很醜可是我有音樂和啤酒 一點卑微 一點懦弱 可是從不退縮
每一個早晨 在都市的邊緣 我是孤獨的假面 每一個晚上 在音樂的曠野
卻變成狂熱嘶吼的巨人 在一望無際的舞台上 在不被了解的另一面
發射出生活和自我的尊嚴 我很醜可是我很溫柔 白天黯淡 夜晚不朽
那就是我 我很醜 可是我有音樂和啤酒 有時激昂 有時低首 非常善於等候
Windows not recognizing camera connected via USB? (Check pix number on your
My laptop sort of died and I had to reinstall Windows 10. It's a shitload
of job to get things together but I thought, "Alright, everything was
finally se...
8 years ago
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