It was not until my head starts operate a train stations did I realize that I actually have been dealing with ear ringing all these years except for I simply just deal with it while not knowing that I have been dealing with it.... 8-O lol sigh
For instance, while I was in the psychiatric ward last year, it was much easier for me to fall asleep partially because clonzaepam was part of my daily pills. After I came out, I was only on risperdal and dapakote... Every night, after I took risperdal, it would feel like there is this magnetic field scanning through my brain... and I would hear this really really loud sounds of statics...
Don't quote me... Yet, I believe that that loud statics in my head eventually got tuned down much after I got off risperdal because the unwanted side effect such as uncontrollable drooling and involuntary shaking of body parts such as my legs in addition to the fact that I was having problem sleeping because risperdal is less sedating than Seroquel...
Afterwards, I have continued to experience the ringing in the ear especially bad during night time.... and at times, it would get so loud that it is almost unbearable and all that you could do is to pray to God to make it not so loud so that you could fall asleep...
However, all these have just been the ordinary part of my bedside encounters…
Funny enough… it was not until the train started running over my right brain did I realize that I have had tinnitus throughout all these years although they have been in a different form... 8-O lol
And, if you ask me, is it better to have high pitch ringing or statics kinda buzzing or to have them run-away train kinda annoying sounds?
I can’t really tell you since each kind of experience has the Dasein moments affiliated with it….
Then, yesterday, as I was hanging out with some friends, I was asked something like… at least it is ear ringing—not hearing voices…
Without thinking, I found myself responded with the following comments…
“(with voices), at least you are listening to people talk…”
On a second thought… again… it is sort of difficult to make comparison between apple and orange even though they both are fruit… 8-O lol
In any case, as the song goes... OH!啥咪攏不驚 OH!向前行... However bad or foolish it might seem... you just gotta keep on walking on... keep moving on... 8-O lol
作詞:林強 作曲:林強 編曲:羅紘武
火車漸漸在起走 再會我的故鄉和親戚
親愛的父母再會吧 到陣的朋友告辭啦
阮欲來去台北打拼 聽人講啥物好康的攏在那
朋友笑我是愛做暝夢的憨子 不管如何路是自己走
OH!再會吧! OH!啥咪攏不驚 OH!再會吧! OH!向前行
車站一站一站過去啦 風景一幕一幕親像電影
把自己當作是男主角來扮 雲遊四海可比是小飛俠
不管是幼稚也是樂觀 後果若按怎自己就來擔
原諒不孝的子兒吧 趁我還少年趕緊來打拼
OH!再會吧! OH!啥物攏不驚 OH!再會吧! OH!向前走
台北台北台北車站到啦 欲下車的旅客請趕緊下車
頭前是現在的台北車頭 我的理想和希望攏在這
一棟一棟的高樓大廈 不知住有多少像我這款的憨子
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8 years ago
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