Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sleepy day

Might have something to do with too much salt in last night's instant noodles for dinner... my favorite Taiwanese instant noodles... or whatever theories to blah blah blah

Might have something to do I didn't drink enough water....

Not quite sure what I did but not enough water....

When I went to sleep, I could feel things coming up... sort or warm if not hot... raising to my throat...

Two pillows didn't work...

Then, there came sinus problems...

Problem--- can't breath with my nose and can't breath with my mouth.... attempting to breathe with my mouth... dry mouth that can't be alleviated by water-drinking emerges...

Then, there came anxiety.... and blah blah blah...

About two o'clock... I got up... took an Advil and a sleeping pill because, all that I can have not, sleep is essential...

So I woke up... today... 200 mg day plus the sleeping pill's lingering effects... feeling all dosed... still... How could them chemicals stay so long in my body?

Sleep walking if not working.... 8-O lol

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