Tuesday, October 13, 2009

You believe that?

Poor junior started to get sick... sort of like she was getting a cold...

She was pretty upset because she though I gave it to her...

"I don't even have a cold... How could I give it to you?"

"You had it weeks back..." So replied her.

"It was weeks back and someone else got sick even later than I did."

She was not happy...

"It must be whatever you were doing that that gave me the cold... unless it was the AC."

Looking back at her...

I was pure amazed.... "You really believe it?!" 8-O

At that point, I realised... for me... Qi or Xi is a great theory... yet... I just do it regardless of belief. 8-O

In addition, is it better to belief all the involuntary body movements are caused by remote attacks or simply the moving of the Qi?

The utilities of theories.... and what is the driving force beyond your theories?

Or why do you choose the lens you choose and what's its utility?

In any case... hope junior feels better tomorrow.... 8-X

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