Since my last posting, what have I done lately?
I got a full-time job.
I brought my first car... though second hand.
I was getting ready to leave the job on Dec. 1st because I knew it was beyond my body's capacity but I kept on trying to hang on till the man to come.
Unfortunately, I was unable to hang on till Dec. 1st. I all of a sudden was struck down sick since Nov. 27th, last Saturday, went to ER last Sunday and was hospitalized for 4 days for tonsillitis and abscess in my throat. And, was on IV and a liquid diet for 3-4 days (no... not beer 8-O lol sigh). Today, still mainly liquid though it is easier now for me to swallow pills... At the same time, due to my back condition, I haven't touched cold stuffs for over 2 years now; due to my throat condition, I can not do hot... as a result, my diet is restricted to liquid or semi-liquid above room temperature.... 8-Olol
Finally, I got out from the hospital yesterday and now I am back to home sick and unemployeed. Time to get back to my Nvivo code. 8-O lol
Come to think about it... ain't like I haven't done the thing called work till I lose my health? 8-O lol
This old hen has to get back to bed rest a bit more... chow for now (chow... now I want to cry... I love food but can't eat no food... chow... ;-O lol)
On a second thought, so said the Chinese 是福不是禍,是禍躲不過. You can hide but you can't hide.... essentially.... Perhaps, what has to come simply has to come and, other than having gone through experiences such as feeling a knife cutting deep down my throat every time I swallow my own saliva, am I not still in one piece anyways? 8-O
Windows not recognizing camera connected via USB? (Check pix number on your
My laptop sort of died and I had to reinstall Windows 10. It's a shitload
of job to get things together but I thought, "Alright, everything was
finally se...
8 years ago
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