Once every so often, as I am doing whatever I do in the park, this thought would come up to me...
Thank God I live in the modern era.... otherwise.... witch hunt?! 8-O lol
Then, I thought what the doctor had told me repeatedly.... it is all about 氣--- the vital energy that makes up the universe including you and me. It has nothing to do with ghosts, witches, spirits, Gods etc.... in the conventional sense.
What I learned recently through my hallucinations and delusions is... perhaps, it is simply about nature and the power of nature if I could call it this way.... and what I call as nature now might be what I had, once, called... God, spirit, life... etc.. I guess, naming is something that doesn't quite matter anymore for me at this point...
Another lesson the doctor could not stop reminding me was.... be good and don't try to do bad things... especially things that could get me into conflicts because conflicts beget conflicts.... manifested not necessarily in the "just in time" manner....
That brought me back to last night's experiences..
That was the experience that some other forces were trying to invade me and to attack me because they thought I had some special kind of "power".... I laid there--- having the feeling that I am all protected from all angles... with the only concern in my mind.... I have no control over anything... just do no harm....
Some recurrent theme... whenever I am approaching the gate towards the cuckoo cuckoo's nest...
It did not last long and then it ceased...
In dasein... they felt real... while, yes, they are possibly just my delusions, hallucinations, and, the chi that didn't flow quite so smoothly...
Then, as I was doing my exercise in the park this afternoon, one voice I could not shake or one thought that followed me from beginning to end was...
"Do no harm."
The matter of the fact is... well, it is for pure selfish reason... since, I have no control over anything, at least one thing I could do is to rest my faith in nature's forces... to protect me from harming the others... and, thus, myself.... (and, to be honest, at this point of time, if there is anyone I am most afraid of... it would be "myselves".... 8-O lol)
At perhaps, nature has been trying to teach me the same lessons repeatedly... except for... I just kept on missing its points...
So ends my posting on the day I saw that Mr. Hawk hovering in the sky... and, yes, its tail is red... 8-O lol
For more information about what ancient Chinese said about 氣 Chi (Qi) or Qi Kung.... feel free to check out chapter 23- QiGong by Lee, C. & Lei, T. in the book Essentials of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Eds. W.B. Jonas and J. S. Levin).
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8 years ago
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