Personally, I have no idea why it would have take such a long time for them to roll out this function... unless.... they were waiting for me to go to Korea and China? And, of course, it might have been me who did not pay it no mind.... 8-O lol
Personally, I don't quite believe the stats because it is highly likely that some people might be browsing through blogger blogs... clicking through without paying attention.
I have observed this kind of behavior many a time when conducting my dissertation research thousand years...
What I did was a usability study, which involves the tracking of people's information research behavior. I even cooked up some codes personally to log each every link people clicked through and the time they spent on the linked page.
The end result... I got a whole lot of data that were not too useful... for instance, a huge number of times, people stayed on the page for less than 1 second or two... unless them hundred something participants all were well versed in speed-reading... 8-O
I did take a look at what the stats blogger provides could offer....
So, I assume the data became available from May, 2010.
There are, in total, 493 visits to my Ratology Reloaded Blog and 768 visits to my Technologies in Ratology blog since May.
For all these years, I had thought that nobody ever reads my blog other than people in my imaginary world... Given these stats... even if only 1% of all visit is valid... gotta be at least one visitor who paid some mind to my reading in each of these blogs... I guess...

What is the likelihood that all these valid visits were paid by the same person... called... me? 8-O lol
Thus, the number of visit or pageviews is not equivelent to the number of people visited your page.
say, you think of IP tracking... "Why not also track the IP address?"
Given that all computers has an IP address when they are on the Internet, if I track the IP address, wouldn't it tell me that it is the same person accessing my website?
Yet, what if the same person uses different computers or different people sharing the same computers?
This is, I guess, the reason why... the beauty of log-ins....
In any case, interestingly, between May and now, there are far more people visiting my Technologies in Ratology blog than Ratology Reloaded blog.
For the Technologies in Ratology blog, the topic five postings people visited are:
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It seems like that most of the hits are associated with Windows 7 related issues... especially the problem associated with the "blocking of Sonic Solution DLA driver".
On the other hand, the top five postings people visited for Ratology Reloaded blog during the same time period are:
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Apparently, I was not the only person getting this message on my answering machine telling me to call 8772476116. Many people might have also gotten that harassing call many a time and this is why so many people would land on that post.
It did sort of surprised me to see the posting "How do normal people think?" rank as #2... though only 25 visits recorded as per Blogger.
Apparently, many more people on this planet also have the same question? And, they must have been pretty disappointed when realizing all that I did was posting a question...
On a second thought, it does make sense why Technologies in Ratology, with only 94 postings, seems to have attracted far more traffic than Ratology Reloaded, with 1461 postings....
First of all, the nature of the content... Postings in Technologies in Ratology mostly have something to do with the "how-to" associated with a specific technical issue and the solution. The fact that What not to do when calling 8772476116 was one of the most visited posting could also be considered as the supporting evidence to this assumption.
However, as indicated by my writing in Ratology Reloaded, I have been reloading around like a dog chasing its own tail for the past few years... Still... I have no idea whether there will ever be a day when the solution will converge... 8-O 8-X
In other words, one blog is solution-oriented while the other takes on the process model...
Second, key words... most of the postings in Technologies in Ratology involves specific keywords in either the title or the content. For instance, yesterday, I resolved the recurring problem of "access connection cannot run on this platform" on this ThinkPad and the title of the posting was the error message itself... "access connection cannot run on this platform." When searching for a solution, I also googled the entire error message... and guess so will everyone else looking for a solution for the same problem?! (And, perhaps, this is how normal people think.... 8-O)
Ratology Reloaded, on the other hand, contains contents and key words mostly useless to ordinary people.... 8-O Think about this... the posting about progression... Unless I already know what the heck this blog is talking about, what the hell would I care about your progression in life? Also, why would I want to waste my time listening to you pondering about What is my style... 8-O lol
Anyways... waking up this morning, I decided to take a look at the feature of Stats of blogger... not quite sure what to do about it other than checking them numbers out... and... this is, now, what I've got... (Also, ratprincess, cut Ratology Reloaded some slack and please don't be so harsh... 8-O lol)
At the same time, for sure... numbers don't like... except for... it is all about your interpretation. 8-O lol
(This posting is cross-posted in Technologies in Ratology... Just in case you wonder... a note for my aging self...)
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