I was overjoyed and was going to put the poster up by my bed!
My sister could not understand...
"I have also watched a few episodes of it on and off... How can you be so addicted or obsessed with it?"
Mama came home later and I also told her about putting the poster up with the same response my sister had....
"How could you be doing this at this age?
So I replied...
"童年失歡... since I have never done anything like this in my younger years, might as well do it now I have a chance.... Just like, you never took me to McDonald's when I was young, gotta go there when I could to make up the lost happiness of childhood..." 8-O lol
(And, too be honest, there was no McDonald's in Taiwan when I was young anyway... Didn't come in until when I was in high school, I think.... )
So I showed her the poster of 張根碩....
So she said... "Is that a woman?"
"No! That is a very beautiful boy!"
After I put both posters up, at the only location allowed by my mom, I called her in to take a look....
So commented mama... "A girl and a boy?"
"No! Two beautiful boys!"
The whole thing reminds me of the following clip... with me the auntie in the storyline....
http://tv.sohu.com/20100430/n271855875.shtml#1580 (starting at 26:19 ending around 29:00)
Such marks one benchmark of my life... I put posters of up... posters of nice looking actors from an idol drama... as seen on TV.... 8-O lol
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