Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Unterwegs zur EEG

EEG stands for Electroencephalogram. It's a diagnostic test for detections of abnormal brain-wave activities.

Since my brain has begun the shrinking process, the EEG ordered by my neurologist might be a follow-up test. 

Regardless, life goes on and, like Rome, the shrinkage did not get built in one day.

One thing I can't stop wondering is whether my sleeping problem (i.e., waking up every 1-2 hours after FM2 puts me down for the initial 3-4 hours, and sometimes less) is linked to the shrinking process of that atrophying brain of mine. 

Here is an example study showing that I am not the only person having this question.


P.S., Theoretically, my cohorts should not exhibit the atrophy as a result of the aging process yet.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Brain shrinkage--ya, moi

 I know the day would come all along and it is finally here--there is shrinkage in my brain, only a bit over 2 decades after the onset.

During a regular check up, my complaints led my neurologist and me to revisit the MRI scans taken in my head.  Yet, it's not as bad as a brain for elderlies in the 80s or 90s as a result of the natural progression of aging. 

It's been a while since I made a posting.

Hope this is what is worth reporting.