I was in the PHD (pile high and deep) grade of a piece of crap state yesterday... the head on the dark side of the moon and the body in extreme discomfort... all tensed... could barely move... drastically different from the day before... when I happily got back to my walking routine after recuperating from them miserable days with da sinusitis and associated upper respiratory problem.
What happened?
That mother of mine who just had an operation to remove Cataract Friday afternoon won't stop trying to bend down and lift things... including taking the garbage out which involves opening that heavy metal door... while I was sleeping or while I went out for 2-3 hours for physical therapy. I kept on telling her to stop but she kept on insisting on doing things her own way...
Finally I blew up big...
I don't get mad usually... partially because when I really get really upset, both my body and mind suffer... and really suffer. My folks are my Achilles' heel, 99.9% of the times, shall there be sudden change in my bodily condition, no doubt... it would have something to do with my parents... and chances are... something to do with their well-being.
So I blew up and go REALLY mad... 氣死, 氣死, 氣死啦!!!
Then, it feels as if my body was blowing up like a balloon with Qi building up without any release... from head to toe... bloated, bloated, and bloated... as if I were to explode. While in extreme discomfort, I also couldn't keep myself awake... So I took a short nap... only to find out after I woke up that my entire left side spasmed so bad that the body was bending towards the left side... and... the entire left side was semi-paralyzed (unless my mom got me so upset that I had a stroke, sounds familiar...
left side semi-paralyzed)... I couldn't lift my left hand and leg. When trying to get to do my physical therapy, I had to take many a stop because I got tired and out of breath so easily. And... the way I walked... it was more like I was constantly swinging the left side of my body forward... though I did get my therapy done and got myself home.
To wash hands, I had to use my right hand to lift my left hand. To get into the bathtub, of course, I had to use my right hand to lift my left leg... Yet, so I thought... as long as one side of my body works... at least I could still take my clothes off, take a shower and manage to put the clothes on...
So I went to bed early... by 10 o'clock... only to wake up 4 hours later... wide awake... not able to fall back to sleep and in pain... with severe nerve pain literally from head to toe... I decided to get up, put some body cream with Lavender essential oil on, and, later, took an Alleve.
Waking up this morning, the left side was still weak but far better than how it was yesterday... Then, after some of my swinging thing (which I couldn't do at all yesterday), I took my less-crappy sory body to see my rehabilitation doctor.
I told him what happened and I couldn't get the Qi in my body to flow because it was too stalled. The doctor took a look at me and was in agreement with me...
After I laid on my stomach, he did something on my left hip and right hip like what the bakers did in the Japanese anime 烘焙王 (Yakitate!! Japan)... kneading the dough... 8-O lol
After I got up, I felt... much relaxed and Qi flowing down... I walked in to the clinic with a flavor of a limp, I walked out... less limping and, as I kept on walking on, trying to relax more, I walked better and better...
What I have described so far... after getting all upset, the body became immobile and suffered excruciating nerve pain... you can't get a better psychosomatic example than this... no doubt... psycho (upset) leads to soma...
Since what happened to me is, no doubt, the manifestation of psychosomatization and it took my doctor 2 minutes to get it resolved, so I thought on my way home... observing that the weakness on the left side gone and my getting back to, not limp, walk,... that should make my doctor the psychosomatization buster... whether you buy in the concept of Qi or not... or you consider it a manifestation of self-fulfilling prophecy or not... (and, of course, the effects might not last too long if I continue with my "氣死, 氣死, 氣死啦!!!" routine... In a sense, sustainability is dependent on the patient la!)