Saturday, February 15, 2014

Over six years at large!

I have never really celebrated Valentine's Day, especially not since 2008. Because Valentine's Day 2008 was the day I was last locked up behind the gated doors with a walker as the moving aid, Valentine's Day brings me more scares than anything else. 8-O lol

Right now, New York Time, 2/15/2014.

Albeit with the ups and downs in my symptom levels since 2008, into the seventh year--I have managed to keep myself at large (knock on wood and, the mental God, there is no doubt that I bow in front for you).

Happy At Large Day!

(A note I dared not even entertain till I am sure that it's Feb. 15th already.  Chicken-shit la! lol)

Down with Meds -- A revelation of Ratology (Recovered): 歡喜就好

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