Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Don't know how people came up with words so fine....

乾杯 朋友就讓那一切成流水
把那往事 把那往事當作一場宿醉
明日的酒杯 莫再要裝著昨天的傷悲
請與我舉起杯 跟往事乾杯
舉起杯 跟往事 乾杯

A toast to the past and treat the not so easy past you would like to let go as a really bad hangover.... 8-O Nothing really to be proud of but that I know... bad hangovers... 8-O lol 8-X

So... 以茶代酒... I raise my cup of chamomile and lavender tea for a toast to a past I am forgoing.... especially the discard-able part of the past 3 years... the pains, suffering and struggles, which I am, maybe, finally, acknowledging... not to mention the cold air, esophagus spasm, the running a train station in my head and all other mental and physical conditions.

I am done suffering.... so suffering... go away.. go away... bad bad bad... go away... 8-O

My life from now on has to be simply joyful and happy since I think I am very much done with my quota.  8-O lol

God bless me, my house, all my family and all my lotteries. 8-O lol

作詞:陳桂珠 作曲:長剛 編曲:陳志遠

經過了許多事 你是不是覺得累
這樣的心情 我曾有過幾回
也許是被人傷了心 也許是無人可瞭解
現在的你 我想一定很疲憊

人生際遇就像酒 有的苦有的烈
這樣的滋味 你我早晚要體會
也許那傷口還流著血 也許那眼角還有淚
現在的你 讓我陪你喝一杯

乾杯 朋友就讓那一切成流水
把那往事 把那往事當作一場宿醉
明日的酒杯 莫再要裝著昨天的傷悲
請與我舉起杯 跟往事乾杯
舉起杯 跟往事 乾杯

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