Today marks the first day I got back to Time Square in my own usual way since over a year ago....
It doesn't mean that I have not stepped into Time Square since my accident last June.
The matter of the fact is that.... every time I go hanging out with this friend of mine, we would start our night of bar or restaurant hopping on the East Side and gradually move towards the West side where we say night night....
What I meant is that....
I walked around like all other people and could even walk pass other pedestrians in Time Square so as to catch one of them Broadway shows....
It must have been at least an year and half ago when I last visited Time Square my ordinary way... hopping from one box office to the next looking for them discounted tickets... standing or sitting...
And, believe me, through out the time when I was busy managing my pains and struggle to move more steps without coming to a stop.... the last thing I had in mind was to attend any events unnecessary to my daily living....
So, with the discounted tickets I got through the school, I finally got to see the Lion King....
So I saw the lions, the lionesses, the giraffes, the birds, the hyenas, the warthog, the meekest and the monkey.... dancing and singing....
Coming out from the show and as I was waiting for M 104 to arrive, to myself I thought... them hyenas are nasty....
And... one more thing done for my return to New York.... visiting Time Square the way I was and had Lion King watched....
Windows not recognizing camera connected via USB? (Check pix number on your
My laptop sort of died and I had to reinstall Windows 10. It's a shitload
of job to get things together but I thought, "Alright, everything was
finally se...
8 years ago
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