Saturday, August 22, 2009

Chicken lady 雞婆

Was trying to make some alternative weekend plan for my mom and this other lady who is only visiting briefly from Taiwan...

Since she spent most of the time hanging out with these two other Taiwanese women, I thought it might be a good idea to take her somewhere to hang with some American people especially when the weather is not really suitable for outdoor tour... 8-O lol

Then I got home, despite the fact that I have told her the plan for tonight, my mom had taken the rib out and wanted to grill them ribs for tonight.

That got onto my nerve...

Not only because it doesn't go along with my plan.

Rather, so I thought... what the hell am I doing trying to cover everyone elses' wants and needs when what I intend to do for them be not even appreciated especially when I can't even cover my own behind?

So I said, "It's me boring (無聊) and can't mind my own business (雞婆)-- running around like a dog chasing its own tail trying to do things for others' wants and plausible needs while people might not even want it or appreciate it."

My mom was not happy about hearing the word "boring" regardless what the content of discussion might be.

"What do you mean 無聊 (boring)?"

"Can't I even call myself boring?!" 8-O 8-X

On a second thought, ain't it so very presumptuous of me to assume or even to think that what I do might help meeting people's wants or needs? Presumptuous so it is.

So ends my reflection on one of the major flaws in my existence-- my chicken-lady or 雞婆 propensity.

(Ok... now that human part of self is out...)

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