Given the constraints of time, I was only able to scan through the article and find a sense of relief that there are many other ratprincesses in their version of Ratology.
Then, I went back to number crunching and finally finished up the report.
After I got home, I finally had the chance to take a better look at the article...
And, this paragraph in Frankl's writing echoed in my mind:
Those former prisoners often say, "We dislike talking about our experiences. No explanations are needed for those who have been inside, and the others will understand neither how we felt then nor how we feel now."
Yet, sometimes, ironically, it is really soothing to be hearing those stories others will not understand from the follow sojourners' end.
One thing I love the most is the following quotes of Elyn Saks who did not break the news until she received tenure (and same reason why I am still Ratprincess after all these years).
“I knew I was crazy but also sane enough to know that I couldn’t make myself sane.”
“For an unlucky person, I’m very lucky.”
So I feel.
After I reread the article, I thought to myself... what a pleasant surprise... Ratopia is closer than I had thought.... lol

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