Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Alternative hypothesis 2

Between now and the alternative hypothesis 1, I reworked on preparing the handout of a workshop I am supposed to deliver tomorrow....

Well, interesting enough... the last time I delivered this workshop, it was before the injury that might have resulted in the dorsal horn reorganization as per my hypochondriac mind...

The interesting thing I would say is that....

When comparing my modus operandi then and now....

I don't know whether others have also observe it or not (and, keep it real... chances are everyone sees it except for they don't say it... 8-X oops... lol)...

I would say that, for reasons unknown, I am much more prone to "act out" nowadays when comparing to who I was in the good old time and before the accidents....

Then, I thought of the strange comments made by my doctor in Taiwan (who I can't stop thinking is some kind of psychic... 8-O lol) and the "mediums"...

Essentially, I have to stop thinking about making money because I have to finish up with this learning thing and start working on the education thing... Nobody was able to tell me though what exactly I am supposed to learn and teach.... 8-O lol

Consider it is true that I have to get done with this learning thing first...

I was thinking today....

Perhaps, what I need to learn is to be myselves... to live with myselves... and to face myselves... while learning one day at a time in a safe haven how to live with the multiple manifestation of the thing called selves?

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