I was thinking to myself...
"I am not really ready for a boyfriend... though, I am ready to settle down for a husband..."
Then, I thought... how strange... isn't it the proper sequence in modern time for people to first start from being boyfriend or girlfriend with someone before moving on into the marriage state.
Then, I realized that what the statement represents is an unfounded assumption I have that divides the "friends" and "weds" relationship...
Essentially, the "friend" state reminds me of the repetitive iteration of gaming playing... while, in marriage, the relationship has gotten so old and comfortable that it is useless to be playing to much of them games...
Then, just when I was about to challenge my own assumption, I realized that.... such a challenge bears no purpose... other than allowing me type a few more words if not sentences or paragraphs. (And, this, of course, is a representation of my worldview and its embedded assumptions and value system.)
Maybe what that sentence really tells me is my detest for gaming playing....
Maybe what that sentence really reveals is a companion type of relationship... rather than one that is explosive like fireworks and dies off as the sparkles are gone after the honey moon stage... 8-O lol
Maybe passion doesn't seem to be a state lasting to long and I am done with getting burnt left and right by the blame... 8-O lol
Or, maybe, I am just getting old and seeking for a long term meal ticket.... 8-O lol
Except for...
Such an ending would also be scary though.... 8-X lol
Windows not recognizing camera connected via USB? (Check pix number on your
My laptop sort of died and I had to reinstall Windows 10. It's a shitload
of job to get things together but I thought, "Alright, everything was
finally se...
8 years ago
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