The notion of being a Guinea pig of them squirrels brought me back to the time when I was at UBC and when I used to be the participants of various research projects to make some quick cash.... 10 Canadian dollar per hour, I guess...
One of the lab I used to volunteer would put electrodes on my head while I was engaging in whatever tasks required....
Many a time, after engaging in the repetitive task for too long a time, I could gradually start to fall asleep... The guy running the experiment outside could actually identify the change in my brain waves and remind me to stay awake... 8-O lol
One day, after I completed my task, I asked the doctoral student who was running the project...
"How did I do? Did I do it well?" So I must have asked...
"You did great... Your data point coincides with the value of the mean." So he replied with something like this...
Recalling it today... I can't stop finding it funny....
There was a time when I WAS THE NORM... 8-O lol
Windows not recognizing camera connected via USB? (Check pix number on your
My laptop sort of died and I had to reinstall Windows 10. It's a shitload
of job to get things together but I thought, "Alright, everything was
finally se...
8 years ago
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