As I was doing my exercise in my room, I saw Brian Greene appearing on NY 1...
Two things he spoke of caught my attention...
First, he is not really a proponent for the string theory (remember that 10 dimension thing) since it has not been proved.
Second, he translated science into common language...
So I thought...
First, am I a proponent for the xi, qi, or chi? I am not quite sure since all that I do is letting the body moving itself and there is no proof that it is really the chi, xi or qi moving my body... (and, God knows, provided shall God exist, whether it is but an alternative interpretation for psychosomatizations although God knows, again, what psychosomatization really means... 8-O lol)
Second, for all else I have not accomplished.... at least, what I have done with my verbal diarrhea is to translate all things I try to describe into Bad English.... 8-O lol
One thing I know is that...
The trip home was a difficult one because the whole chest etc was making me feel really uncomfortable....
Now that I finished doing the moves for the second time in the day....
For reason unknown... both of my hands are freezing cold... and the feet are getting really cold as well...
In any case, I suspect I am in a better state because I am finding them 8-O lol in my writing again.... which, in the meanwhile could be argued as the placebo effect, provided there is anyone who give a rat's ass about what had come out from my mouth to be making an argument... 8-O lol
Windows not recognizing camera connected via USB? (Check pix number on your
My laptop sort of died and I had to reinstall Windows 10. It's a shitload
of job to get things together but I thought, "Alright, everything was
finally se...
8 years ago
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