Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I think that it was this past Sunday when someone asked me this question--- something like.... "What do they think about girlfriends in Taiwan?"

I had absolutely no idea what the question was about and asked.... "You mean cohabitation or premarital sex?"

So I went on speaking of how cohabitation or premarital sex is more common now than when I was growing up (Cow heads don't match with horse mouths... as Taiwanese might say....).

It was not until, I think, last night did the light ball go off.... when I realized that it might be my sexual preferences he was asking about rather than the topic of cohabitation or premarital sex.

So I thought... it is not my fault that no one asks me out for a date since I broke up with my last jackass from hell with his disappearing into the ether of da Arizona dream....

So I thought... perhaps we shall try out that thing called picking guys up....

Then, I thought... no way Jose... in no mood to find that Mr. Goodbar...

Even if it is not Mr. Goodbar I found (thank God), I am accident prone... not yet ready to raise children along.... 8-O lol

As a result, shall anyone think that the reason why I can be a real b from hell is because I don't get laid...

Till you find me my ideal husband... you might just have to be settled with this b from hell... 8-O lol

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