Thursday, December 11, 2008

March 9 08 - I visited me

While I was posting my blog about the fear of, one day, drugs work no more and I could only wish for magical power me to support, I felt I was visited by myself... a much calmer, older, and wiser version of me... How old I don't know but I know it was when I were much older... (other than my bad English... yes, it was the past tense I have intended to use because that version of what I perceived as the future had occurred and, as a result, was the past. At the same time, some might think the provision of the footnote is non-sensical since delusions are but delusions... 12/17/2008)

I kindly and understandingly told me (the current version)....

Just kept on doing what you have done so far because it will be for a good cause and along the way, someone, somewhere will get something out of it.

You will be able to do crafty and really experience the nothingness kinda thing except for this is not yet your time.

It was as if I were visited by myself while the current me in front of the laptop and the future version of me at the desk.

Then, I felt someone came to get the future me... that gave me a sense of relief... some man loves that I and cares for that I at that age...

OK... I am really going crazy while... which part of I am crazy am I not understanding? 8-O lol

1 comment:

Ratprincess said...

On a second thought... just don't tell me that it's one of the staffs in the hospital who, me, came to get? 8-O lol