Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Why pain now

As I was taking the shower, I tried to think of the plausible reason why I, all of a sudden why be in such much pain... above and beyond the contribution of da theory that I might have slept wrong two night ago...

  1. One theory would be that this is a form of psychosomatisation.... the pain has come back out because I am undergoing high stress level....
  2. Another theory would be that I am more studious than I know... Since I have to go back to the pain literatures, my body and mind or my conversion disordered self decided to bring pain back out as the supplementary learning materials... 8-O 8-X lol sigh

And, if you ask me, what about them pains running around different places...

  1. The first theory would be it is the manifestation of psychomatisation... whatever that means...
  2. A second theory I have is that it has something to do with the qi moving....
  3. The third and last theory would be... my prefrontal cortext is going out of wack and it is interpreting signals that might not even exist...
8-O lol 8-X

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