With cognitive constipation together, I ponder...
When is this going to end?
At least, grant me more cognitive processing resources?
Then I thought of this Gold Throne I got today on Mafia War through my disabled account...

When other people get it, it would give them about 2:30 to 3 minutes to regenerate 2 energy points to do work.
With someone disabled like me, it gives me 4:30 minutes to regenerate 2 energy points...
Same improvement, differential amount of energy afforded... What I call as drastic improvement is what other assume as default if not normal... 8-O
On a back pain day, I would say... such is the story of my life.... how sad and is ain't so fair... seems like...
Revisiting the above sentence, it occurs to me... seems like the weather is changing... because the state seems to be altering... 8-O lol sigh
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