Monday, September 28, 2009


On my way home, I walked passed this young man... a stranger... with a serious look... solemn, perhaps... staring into some other direction... my existence might not even entered into his reality...

The look...

A simple having nothing to do with me look...

Triggered... or... perhaps... tapped into them fearful dasein moments... fear... harm... death...

You react to it...

You say to yourself... fleeting moments of dasein that you could not escape...

You can't help wonder whether it is the memories of the past being brought forth or many it is just an interpretation... perhaps... the dasein was not in memory but in the making...

It gives you a scare...

You tell yourself to stop... resuming to the strangely disassociated state.... an plausible indicator of over drugged...

You walk on and live on... trying to let go of da dasein...

So you think of what came to your mind yesterday... fear feeds fear....

You type out your fear... wondering whether with the key strokes... the release of da dasein.... no scenario involved... with nothing as the trigger....

Let go... so says my head... if only I know how da to let go.... 8-O lol sigh

Regardless... you can... you thank and you move on... because that's the only way to move... I guess... 8-O lol sigh

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