Wednesday, September 1, 2010

regression to the mean

I think my body is recovering better....

My life so far... I spent years coping with that head of mine..  later, physical disability and the associated aches and pains etc...

This round, it is the common sickness anybody else could understand, I guess...

All of the symptoms you can find on the introduction chapter of all over-the-counter cold/flu medicine.... Finally went to see the doctor, my uncle told me... bronchitis...

Would love to consider it is statistics 101.... regression to the mean... with the question... when can I regress to the mean and would it ever be possible for that day to arrive?  Could I ever become that outlying data point that fit the regression line perfectly? 8-O lol

Delusion, illusion and other -sions or not... well... guess... I should be authorized to dream? 8-O 8-X

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