Thursday, September 9, 2010

Incheon or Yeongjong Grand Bridge?

I took the Airport Limousine bus going from Bundang to Incheon airport when leaving the country.

Picture taken on an Airport Limousine from Bundang.
Is this Incheon or Yeongjong Grand Bridge? (Update 8/26/2013: Think it might be the Yeongjong Grand Bridge.

I know that there are now two main bridges linking the Yeongjong Island (where the airport is) and the mainland of Incheon...  However, I was not sure whether it was the Incheon or Yeongjong Grand Bridge I was on.

Unfortunately, the person I ask the question to give me this response...

"I don't know...."

Interpreted by me as... "What kind of useless question?!" (Well, actually pretty useful if you are a tourist... 8-O  lol)

On a second though, maybe I should have asked the bus driver instead except for... wasn't quite sure the hard-working bus driver trying to bring out all luggage speaks English?  (20 20 hindsight.. I guess...)

Today, after all of my googling effort trying to figure out the route of Bundang Airport Limousine...  The identity of that bridge remains unknown and it is driving me up the wall....

A picture of Yeongjong Grand Bridge I found online

Because the bridge seemed to be nice long and pretty curvious (is this a word?) bridge... although might not have been as long as the 杭州灣跨海大橋 (Hangzhou Bay Bridge)..

personally, I would suspect it to be the Incheon Bridge....

Shall any Korean come across this posting and know which Bridge the Bundang Airport Limousine crosses, please inform.

(8/26/2013 update: Don't know how stupid I could have been.  Went online to check for the route of the Bundang Airport Limousine today cuz someone came to visit this post and found out the bus takes the Incheon Airport Expressway... what it translated into is... shall the online info be correct, it's the Yeongjong Grand Bridge I was speaking of... "the world's first 3-dimensional self-anchored suspension bridge." 3 years later, I sort of answered my own question. lol)

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