Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Definitions: script, mental model, etc

I have used these two phrases "script" and "mental model" so very often that I thought everyone might be able to understand what exactly I meant by them..... sort of like... the commonplace feeling of mine that people could know what is in my head.... maybe?

Decided to dig out some class-book definitions out for you from a psychology 101 textbook by Bernstein, D., Penner, L., Clarke-Stewart, A., & Roy, E. (2007).

Information processing system: Mechanisms for receiving information, representing it with symbols and manipulate it.

Thinking: The manipulation of mental representations.

Proposition: A mental representation of the relationships between concepts.

Schema: Generalization about categories of objects, places, events and people.

Script: A mental representation of familiar sequences of activities.

Mental model: A representation of particular situations or arrangements of objects that guides our interaction with them.

And, the following... in my word...

Soap opera effect: The recalled memories are dependent on the inferences one makes based on prior knowledge pre-existing the events to be recalled.

You could also check the following article to see how the concept of soap opera might be useful to enhance learning: Soap opera effect

Imaginary world: A world one construct based on components such as the above with or without apparent external input.

You could also check the following article to see how imaginary world might be useful to enhance learning: Imaginary Worlds

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