Saturday, September 13, 2008

Can't help it...

Ok... I said I will try to not psych-anything myself.... yet, still can't help it....

The more I think about all these things that have been going on in my body and my head.... the more I wonder how much closer I might actually be towards the level of the institutionalizable kinda grade.

One thing I know is.... every time I was at the institutionalizable kind of level.... I would turn to be some wacko that speak no evil about the others and think of only good thoughts.... as a result of that delusional kinda thinking that even all things spoken in private are "recorded." (although there is no way for me to tell you whether it is a good or bad indicator for my mental health condition).

Thinking about it....

I still feel fairly comfortable bitching about people these past week or two....

Perhaps, not all that bad... just far stranger each everyday...

Yet, what do I know... at the end of the day, I am but.......

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