This word "insane" is appearing more and more to me nowadays.
Granted... it is a legal term rather than a clinical term.
Yet, as I was walking down the street yesterday, it occurred to me that the good thing about insanity is there is always a counterpart called sanity.
As a matter of fact, I bet, for the majority of people you might call insane, there remains still sanity in them...
In that guy I bumped into earlier this afternoon...
In all others of them that you see on the street...
In that teacher I came across who killed her own daughter because she believed that Satan was coming to get her daughter when doing my internship...
Illogical as they might seem and aberrant their behavior might appear... deep down inside... there is always logic behind their thinking and their acts....
What makes us insane might have more to do with the precursor of beliefs... contents... for there exists contents accessible to only ourselves-- be it perceptions or interpretations, and, whether we are aware of it or not.... (remember how I told you that my husband is yet to be born?)
This reminds me of what this friend of mine once said to me...
"You are too much influenced by your psychosis."
While what he did not know was... I am my psychosis... however you, the concept of I, partition...
Speaking on behalf of my thought-disordered insane self or myself... 8-O lol
Windows not recognizing camera connected via USB? (Check pix number on your
My laptop sort of died and I had to reinstall Windows 10. It's a shitload
of job to get things together but I thought, "Alright, everything was
finally se...
8 years ago
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