Wednesday, October 14, 2009


My coworker told me about how this lady has been harassing people at work...

I have had my encounter with this lady as well myself...

Let's put it this way... I am crazy and she ain't normal either... based on my hunch...

Then, I heard of how this lady has been causing problems at public places... causing disruptions to the others...

However, perhaps, other people also sensed that her head is also sort of flaky like mine... people put up with it...

So I heard those stories with a common theme emerged... she wants it... she demands it... and she engages in conducts that cause disruption to other people's rights... so as to get what she wants... Perhaps but hopefully not, with this thought in her mind... I am going to push as far as I could because I know it has worked...

The stories I have heard are but simple manifestations of the principle of conditioning...

What gets me upset about this scenario is to see how her behavior patterns are tainting the "reputation" of the people with mental health problems.

Maybe this is another gross sin of mine...

Yet, what I hate most are people who use their conditions as a crutch... because, then, the "normies" would come to the conclusion that all patients with mental health condition are like that.

This gets me mad.

So I told people...

If she is not flaky in the head, she has to be stopped from causing further disruptions or harassment to other people.

And, if she is really flaky in the head, she also has to be told to stop from continuing to engage disruptive actives.

You see, even when patients are in the psychiatric wards and when their conditions are worse, if you engage in disruptive or harassing activities, the staffs on duty will tell you to stop. The staffs might even take away your privilege such as going out for fresh air... the smoking break. By taking away such privileges, you are taught that you are responsible for your behavior even when you are locked up in the cuckoo's nest.

This is because what is wrong is wrong regardless your mental health status.

This is also sort of like a jerk is a jerk regardless of cultural background.

I can't speak for everyone but I believe I might not be speaking for only myself....

Even in the worse of the conditions when one no longer lives in the reality as we know, most of us still have the basic sense of what is right and wrong...

Make no mistake...

There eventually comes to a time when that boundary of right and wrong becomes grayer and grayer... and this is usually when you are dire in the reign of insanity...

This is when you speaks of the neighbor's dog...

This is when you keep on calling your supervisor to open someone else' office because you thought you have been given the authorisation to enter the room to pick up someone's body.... 8-O 8-X

This is why you do not go to teach the scheduled class and simply disappeared for the entire semester because you thought you have informed the president of that college telepathically... Even in this scenario, when you are only hours away from institutionalisation, you still know about responsibilities and consequences....

And, did I lose the opportunity for a full time job and the sponsored green card afterwards? Yes. I did. It is because there are consequences to your actions in real life whether you live in a different reality or not.

So they say... I did not promise you a rose garden and I somehow suspect that it might be applicable for most people... 8-O

True... patients with mental health conditions might also have other peculiar problems associated with the conditions...

You could be slow and really slow...

You could have limited ability to process information because the cognitive ability you have you hand on is the half size of a peanut when others' have it the size of a soccer field....

You could have limited affect or motivation... and all else otherwise not explicitly identified here...

However, it is my belief that most of us try to make efforts to do what we could do.

When we have a job, we try to perform our duties as well as we could.

For instance, I remember the time when I was at the Taipei City Psychiatric Institute. In this institute, patients whose conditions are more stable and whose functioning are higher have the chance to work in the shop and in the cafe as part of occupational therapy. They might be slow. They might sometimes fall short in affect and expressions. They might appear to be curiously and stringently adhering to the rules. Yet, you know and, in case you do not know... they are trying their best to perform their job and to be responsible.

It is also sort of like when I was inside of the hospital and they assign us to help out making sandwiches. We make sure that we put in ham, cheese and anything that is supposed to be inside properly even unless there is a special order.

Some of us might not be as "(not quite sure how you put it)" as the rest. Yet, I know many of us try to do as well as we could in the face of constraints.

At the same time, I am not saying that there is no need for accommodations...

A lot of times, despite that fact that we have busted our heads trying our best, our best is still not enough.... and very much not enough... At this point, it is dependent on other people's good well to accommodate us. And, I sincerely believe that those of us who have been granted with the opportunities are thankful to the accommodations.

I know I have rambled on for too long…

After all, one thing I am trying to say is that… there is the need for accommodation… and, personally, especially nowadays when I have been disabled in both body and mind while trying to recover… it is the accommodations that have enabled me to do many things in life that I otherwise would not have been able to do.

Yet, like many others, I try and I take pride in what I could do.

And, I believe I am not the only one who has a problem with those using their condition as a crutch so as to bully people out of their way. 8-O (did I say that... 8-O oops...)

That gets me mad and I do not like it at all.

On a second thought, guess the reason why I feel so comfortable making these comments is because… I am one of us and you can't tell me that these are discriminating comments since I am speaking of myself and on behalf of myself... 8-O lol

One of the added value I guess for being so very well endowed.. 8-O lol

And, perhaps, maybe the person I have in mind is simply... pushy.... That's all. 8-O lol

And.. man.. I thought too much and it's making my head hurt... and now I have to go back to origami to relax my head... 8-O 8-X

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