Friday, October 16, 2009


In my much younger years or maybe not even all that far past.... I was anal retentive about being self-reliant...

It was always like... me can do this... me can do that... me can do.... always... me me me...

Today, I think...

Ain't no nothing all that bad to simply allow yourself to rest on others' mercy...

And... ain't like you sit there don't do nothing...

More like... you do what you can do and that's it.

Especially when... are you sure you are sure that what has come out really has anything to do with your "me me me"?

It is nice to talk about self-determination etc kind of stuff... but, at some point, you are gonna come face to face with life larger than your "self", I guess... 8-O lol

Reminds me of da word that came up many a time... 我執太重... and.. of course... stop it.

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