Friday, October 23, 2009


I have this delusion that people could hear my thought and know how I feel...

This is the most classic symptom that you can find in the textbook....

So I thought earlier this morning...

If anyone could really get into my head and know my unspoken thoughts, it's gotta be touch for them and I would have to give my most sincere apology since the thoughts are ever-changing...

Guess this is why.... I am trying to learn to not even care about them thoughts since... what is the point of taking them so serious if they seem to have the incurable propensity to change?

Similar to all the signs you find everywhere on the planet... when taking them too seriously, it would take you on a constant roller coaster ride until your symptoms finally drive you crazy because you are constantly in the emotional up and down states....

It is easier to say then done.... simply something I am trying out... don't know how well it would work and how exactly to do it....

The problem.... I am so busy learning to tune all signs off... sort of like how meds work... all signs are treated equal and, unless clarified, they all are treated as non-existing....

Maybe one day I will learn to differentiate between real signs and imaginary signs (8-O lol)... For now, I am working on paying signs no mind thought it ain't nothing easy either....

Coping mechanism... I guess... you just gotta keep on trying....

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