Friday, October 22, 2010

j is ㄐ

Time for my Chinese lesson for the day...

ㄐ is j...

ㄐ as in 記憶... memory...

ㄐ as in 即興... at the spur of the moment...

ㄐ as in 計較... calculation...

ㄐ as in 雞婆... chicken lady? 8-O lol

ㄐ as in 橘子... tangerine..

ㄐ as in the 急 of 氣急敗壞... outrageous kinda thing...

ㄐ as in 進步... making process...

Would I remember ㄐ as j tomorrow as I remember now q is ㄑ?

請待下期分解.... to be continued...

BTW, one trick I played with today is to use the first characters to bring out a phrase... "qjbh" for 氣急敗壞.

Still, typing in Chinese is much slower than typing in English....

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