Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy first round (Strategies)

I went through all things relating to the concept of happy these past week or two with Nvivo and Blogger.

At the first round, I went in and created some broad categories about these contents and came up with "Could do ordinary things", "Getting things done or not", "How you are viewed", "Other (people, things), "Who I am", and "Strategies".

These are but some preliminary way of classification and might not have any real meaning after a few iterations.  At the same time, this first round does allow me to filter out some stuffs as well as giving me a picture about the role of (un)happy, (un)happily, (un)happiness in both blogs.

Today or last night, I decided to look further at what I might have done, consciously or unconsciously to be happy.

I went and did some primarily coding on the 48 references from 43 source for "Strategy."

The purpose:  Something still refrains me to speaking of contribution kinda blah blah blah and I can't fight this feeling that, once I start thinking along this line, the process might stall.  Through out the entire time, I keep this in the back of my mind... understanding how I might have made myself feel happy might help me stay on the track of being happy.

The limitations: Things don't always work all the time.  For instance, when you are depressed like a dog and feel so miserable that you would bring your disabled behind to church so as to call God a Sxdxstic Bxstxr, you might simply have to live through being unhappy temporarily and come back to do the happy thing later.  Give yourself a break sometime.  It is ok to be miserable if you are feeling really miserable... though don't let it go too long if possible and hopefully, one can always find something nice to do for oneself.

Following are some themes I came up so far.

Of course, some of them could simply fall under the umbrella of taking perspectives but... going out to eat now.. 8-O lol

I will apply them on the remaining references and sources later on.

Why am I happy?
Something about happiness

What did I do to make myself happy?

Happier to give than to receive

Avoid doing things that make you not happy

Keep on trying
Pursuit of happiness

KISS (Keep it simple and stupid) principle
Simple, Lesson

Trick the Brain (Biofeedback and put a smile on your face)
Life is a piece of shit… (Oops, pardon me for my foul language), Depressed

Don't take yourself too serious

Be thankful and be thankful of your ability to do so.
Happy New YearI have to3 dollars leftHappy: Purple Cow GradePerk, Lesson

Focus on love and loving thoughts
Happy New YearClub medLove

Be with loving people
Office PartyLaughingBook

Take it as a compliment if you can
again-- to live3 dollars left

See happy people, animal and everything else happy
I have toLaughing

Nothing so grand to kill thyself for

Keep on living
DeathOffice PartyLaughing

Accept that somethings won't be the same
Single as Lucy... a... hhhhh

It will come back
CognitionSynchronicity, 200 mg

Tell other people about happiness
What I want to be like at 90

Celebrate life

Let it be. simply happy
Happy: Purple Cow Grade, LoveMeReset again

Try new things
BookSomething about happinessAnother first time in my life...

Do cultural things
GINA: Gallery of International Naive ArtHappy Cows: Slavko StolnikLove lostMy kind of art , Year of Cow or OxArtwork of Edward HicksIvan Generalic's horses

Happy PictureDoubts, Little paintingMy kind of art 

Paper art
Origami, Swinging State: 150 mg

Enjoy food
基隆廟口夜市螃蟹羹 (Crab thick soup at Keelung Night Market) 

New Phase, High, Habitat, Me

Appreciation (gain, regain)
HeadSomething about happiness , Dumb down to the lowest common denominator 

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