Monday, October 5, 2009


During a conversation the other day, I told this nice gentleman, a veteran psychologist, something like "because I am psychotic!"

He replied, "It is but a labeling."

I responded. "Nope. Embedded in the naming is a whole universe of phenomena."

I understand where he came from.

Years back... it was as if it was the mission of my life to write the word psychotic from all dictionaries since "what is psychotic."

Through out the time, something changed... I don't know when and I don't know how.... I also don't know what process might have occurred to result in the paradigm shift.

There might be shifts again in the future...

But, today, for me, psychosis encapsulate a whole universe of phenomena... some of which I have not tapped into and have no intention to venture in as well.... for... dear God, enough is enough... I can share... 8-O 8-X lol oops...

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