Wednesday, October 6, 2010


There are many kinds of dreams...

The dream to be rich, successful and well known... lotto lotto... when am I gonna hit my mega million... a few million dollars won't be bad kinda dream... lol

The dream to see disability facility disposition signs all over the globe if not universe...

The dream to walk 20, 25, 30, 40 steps again without stopping...

The American dream... The husband dream... The otherwise not classified dreams...

The anti no good thing dream...

The dreams you wake up from after your nap or sleep.

Some dreams for yourself and some for more than yourself...

And... at points, you ponder...

What, one day, you really wake up and... life is really but a dream?

Worst off... you wake up finding yourself all tubed up like da scene in the matrix...

So you wake up, whatever the reality might be...

I figure... even if life is but a dream... Don't know about you...

I'd rather wake up from a sweet happy dream than from a nightmare on Elm Street....

The next stop... dreams and waking up...

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