Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The implication of 成家

I think I have spent the past 36 years or so of my life trying to overcome the to-be-someone-ab-normal syndrome.... and this might have something to do with my applying for green card under the extraordinary kinda category.

I guess, I just could not understand how people could accept to just live a life and be who they have been without wanting to do something and become someone even more extraordinary.

Such is the rambling of an ignorant idiot since undoubtedly, we all are blessed in certain ways and experts in our own domain-- whether you believe it or not.

These past few days. possibly due to the deposit of the meds in my body plus the sedating effects of the drugs, I am having visions in my mind how wonderful it is going to be to settle down, to stay home doing some cooking the greens I grow by the window pane, to take a full time job that is "離家近, 工作少, 睡覺睡到自然醒,"and, one day, my 牽手 and I would realize that, 瞬然間, 兒女徒孫忽成行--

Wouldn't it be wonderful to be doing my craft, baking my cookies, or cooking up a meal while waiting for children to come home for the holidays.

Then, I said to myself--- this can not be me... such not what I would say before my June 19th, 2007 accident... or maybe before I changed to Risperdal.... side effect... 8-O

(With this posting, I will be testing out the function of posting Chinese text s using Google Docs to blogger. Apparently, google doc apparently obtain the format of texts pasted through other sources. I had to copy the whole post, pasted it in word, clear the format, repaste the text in google docs, and repost it to blogger to make this posting this time. To much work for one simple task.)

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