Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Scheduled change

I went to see my dear psychiatrist today.... Among all things spoken of, the side effects of the meds remain to be a major concern of mine...
  1. Cognitive constipation and failure to start the engine
  2. Physical constipation
  3. Appetite and metabolic rate (wonder whether I mention this)

It might seem like I remain to have my verbal diarrhea through my blog.

However, my head is slow and works so slow as if it were at the speed of zero on a highway.

That is Seroquel.... yet, at least, rather than not getting enough sleep, now I need excessive amount of sleep.

Tonight the dosage of Depako will go down by another 250 mg-- in other words, I will be taking 200 mg seroquel and 750 mg Depako.

Since the world outside still seem relative disconnecting to me, I hope the decrease of the dosage will not bring forth excessive increase in frequency and intensity of the positive symptoms.

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