Thursday, March 13, 2008


I walked out of my physical therapy evaluation all puzzled again today because, first, I was told that the court reverted the order of physical therapy of the back (by the response I got from asking the question, "even though the physical therapy was authorized in court") and the insurance company would only pay for the kneel rehab now.

Then, there was all these problem about a doctor's note about me going back to work... issued in the afternoon when in the morning I was still institutionalized in the coocoo's nest that day. I asked the lady to specify stair climbing kinda thing as still out of my bandwidth... possibly due to my inability to really think to straight at that time, the lady asked me to me it down in words. I was given the note. And, today, I was told that it might cause trouble now because it is a legal document and I shall have left that note along even though stair climbing is difficult for me.

"When will the storm be by-gone?" I first thought.

"The people at the physical therapy place were reacting to the scenario presented in their face purely because these are annoying correspondences."

I then looked around... and kept on looking around...

I remember this feeling...

Nobody knows me, nobody cares about me, nobody gives a rat's ass about ratology and everyone living in their own world...

This is the feeling called not being delusional... however temporary it might last.

Further down the road I traverse, I thought to myself...

In forensic psychology class, they taught us about the pros and cons of the insanity plead.

"You can't be serious about asking someone just got discharged to be responsible for that note from doctor's office given both the mental conditions and influence of the medications? " You gotta be insane such to intend... and, again, which part of insanity in myself don't I understand? Sigh

(Dosage of the day: 4 mg Risperdal, 50 Seroquel, 1500 Depako, 50 mg Zoloft, 1000 mg Naproxen)

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