Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Done with Yawning

Finally done with them yawning moments of my life....

Interestingly, this was not so much of an issue in Ratology Down with Meds.... even in Ratology Reloaded, it was not until fall of 2008 did I start going into my yawning attacks and them never-ending kinda waking up moments.

Done yawning in words of the past...

Though, in reality, as I was walking down the street with my mom yesterday, I started yawning and yawning and yawning again... and tearing.. tearing... etc... while.. keep on walking on...

Something I have done so far in the US, Korea, China and Taiwan as well... going global, I guess... 8-O lol

Mouth wide open beyond my control...  so wide that sometimes I would be afraid that the jaws might drop... 8-O 8-X

So commented my mom with some kind of insinuation, of course.. "Yawning till the mouth open up so wide..."

"Ya.  Yawning."

One thing I didn't say was...

Consider... this is my ordinary life... a scenario within which the idiom could be accurately applied... 司空見慣 (you get used to it).... while, for many others, it would be the wrong usage... 8-O lol

Since she is my mama... I am exceptionally happy that not applicable to her da idiom... 司空見慣...

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