Sunday, October 3, 2010

The story time

Much of the things I described so far...

However verbose I might be... or am.

I don't really like to go around telling everybody about it... especially, when living in it, I don't really tell my parents about it.

What is the point?

If medical experts can't help, what good does it do to let them know?

Today was the day.

Dad got home from a banquet and had quite a few drinks...

Mom was there, too.

We were talking about something... whatever it was...

And, there was the feeling that... it is time to tell the tale... an abbreviated version of what I had lived through since I left Taipei in August 2008.... and some plausible lessons I might have learned (for more information, please check this blog)

The blah blah blah... blah blah blah... and the blah blah blah...

Oh... how bitter...

Oh... how painful...

Oh... how oh...

Oh... how everything else applicable yet not specified...


I literally talked their ears off for more than an entire hour... in between, my dad was dosing off due to the alcohol... and even went watering the plants during my cigarette break...

Mama also went for toilet breaks twice...

Yet, I got both back and continued talking about all the blah blah blah all the way till how sick and uncomfortable I have felt up to last week... I was so very physically sick and couldn't really bring myself to do a thing...

'Tis the time... for the story to be told.

So... poor daddy and mommy were trying to bail out before I authorized them to do so... 8-O lol

So I said...

"I have to live through all them good grieves for over two years and you can't even let me finish telling the tale?!" oops... 8-O lol

My poor parents sat back down like good boy and girl...

Might be thinking in their head...

It never rains... (maybe a bit at times)... it pours.... 8-O lol

By the way, so I told them...

"Wow... haven't talked so much for so long for the longest time... really got a sore throat from it...." lol


I did express with some degree of dramatic sentiments and complained at points, yet...

"I am determined that my life is a comedy and, come on, sometimes I have to let it out... because you are my parents!" 8-O lol

And... I think... ain't no nothing harder than being parents... especially my parents... gees... gotta be tough... 8-X

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