Friday, April 11, 2008

Close encounter

After the injury to my spine, many a time had I had really "close" encounter with "cars"-- meaning having cars flying pass me and missing me by inches.

The first time it happened, if I recall correctly, I was crossing Broadway heading towards the main entrance of Columbia University. At that point, I still could not really lift my feet from the ground and was moving on a "sliding scale."

It got me a scare.

As time goes on, similar events kept on happening--- not I intend to be hit by cars but I do have to cross the road once in a while.

This afternoon, I took a break from work... thinking I could manage the short distance walk OK, I came out to for my fresh air without the cane. Then, I decided to go get myself another cup of coffee from the truck across the street to wake me more up...

After I got my coffee and before crossing over, I stood there to examine whether the traffic condition is permeable for the cane-less me to proceed.

Seeing no cars in sight in both directions, I tried my best to move myself forward...

Then, when I finally got to the middle of the road, I felt, again, a car must have missed me by inches.

I did stop but I did not even bother to look for that car.

After the tightened muscles were more relaxed, I safely moved myself to the other end of the road and lit another cigarette.

When I came out for fresh air the next time, I unconsciously or consciously took the cane with me.

The time after, I tried again-- going my own version of distance on my own two feet.

Such are the story and consequences of my close encounter.

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