There came a point in time when my voices all came out as me trying to encourage me and I could feel that they seemed to have originated from different parts of my head... left, right, center, front and back... you name it.
It is as if my meta cognition is listening to all other parts of my cognition speaking to myself.
Essentially, what Is told mes is that, together, Is or we will make it through the time and Is or we will be fine.

At some point, I thought to myself--- "Gees, do I have multiple personality disorder and now all the personalities are out to play?"
Then, it came to me, "Which part of the schizo- (phrenia, affective disorder) don't you understand?" lol (The Greek roots schizein means "to split" and phrēn, phren- means "mind"-- split head that is)
Or, maybe I should just settle for my MPD? 8-O lol
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