Saw my shrink today.
Something has to be done about the medications.
The shrink indicated that I am making it too dramatic and what I am feeling might have something to do with my wanting to have the dosage of my meds lower.
I told him that I have no idea why things are going on the way it is, be it too much drug, too few neurotransmitter activities, or negative symptoms.
The only thing I know is that this is not living and it seems I am doing worse off now than when I was locked behind the doors of the psychiatric ward-- wasting my life away doing nothing.
Why the dramatic change in affects, motivation level, and the immovable head etc? God knows and, at this point, I don't have the bandwidth.
So, they took my blood to do some tests twice today—to check the chemical levels.
Tonight, the dosage of Depakote will go down to 250 mg with Seroquel remains to be 200 mg.
Am I scared of the return of the excessive symptoms? Yes.
Yet, I don't really fancy to be a living dead, either, particularly.
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8 years ago
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